Supports the bike by the frame and both wheels providing great stability and preventing the front wheel from turning
Large space between bikes for easy parking and access to the lock
Thoughtful design
Allows to lock safely a wheel and the frame with a U or cable lock, or both wheels and the frame with a cable lock
High-strength steel
Available finishes
Black polyester powder coating
2 places:
20″ width x 34″ height (51 x 86 cm) 4 places:
37,5″ length x 20″ width x 34″ height (95 x 20 x 86 cm) 6 places:
67,5″ length x 20″ width x 34″ height (171 x 20 x 86 cm)
Designed to maximize the stability of the bike by preventing it from swinging and/or fall on the ground even if it is not locked